Exploring Yorkshire - Snaizeholme Squirrels
Since completing the Wainwrights, I've noticed that during the autumn & winter months, as the weather becomes more unpredictable, that I've been moving more towards wildlife photography - still getting into the outdoors, but staying lower down in woodland & in the valleys. One creature I had yet to see, due it it being endangered in England & Wales, is the beloved Red Squirrel. This is the UK's only native squirrel species, which, unfortunately since the introduction of the Grey Squirrel from America in the 1870's has led to the Red's decline. Prior to the Grey's introduction, there was estimated to be 3.5 million Red Squirrels across the British Isles, whereas today that has dropped significantly to somewhere in the region of 140,000, with three quarters of the population living in Scotland. The Grey's are larger than the Reds, and out-compete the Reds for food. Additionally the Grey's carry the Squirrel Pox virus, which if contracted by a...