#PitchperMonth2022 - Part 2
It's currently a wet, grey Saturday afternoon at the end of October. I haven't written a blog for a while, so thought today would be an opportunity to do my next blog in the 'Pitch Per Month' series. Quarter Two - APRIL - April began with a still quite wintery wild camp in the Yorkshire Dales. There were still patches of snow on the tops, and hail showers blowing through. Starting from the small hamlet of Stone House in Dentdale, you could have been forgiven that it was a mild spring day, as daffodils lined the verge along side of the road. Heading along the track up through the hamlet, I followed the Pennine Bridleway along Arten Gill. Ahead lay the impressive Arten Gill Viaduct, which lies on the Settle to Carlisle railway. There are a number of viaducts along a few miles of railway line, the longest, and most famous being Ribblehead, just 3½ miles to the south. But Arten Gill viaduct was still impressive, especially as it had a small watercourse and the path headed...