
Showing posts from February, 2021

A Walk On The Wild(Life) Side - Part 1

  Since lockdown came back into force in early November, I was back to exploring my local area, and in particular the nearby nature reserves. I found myself taking my Canon camera with me, and swaying to more wildlife orientated photographs as opposed to the landscape photography I normally do in the hills & mountains. The only wildlife photography I have done previously was the Red Deer, & Red Squirrels, but on my local walks it was more bird life I would be engaging with, and their small size & fleeting behaviour meant this would be a bit of a challenge. The nearest nature reserve to where I live is also the largest nature reserve in the Bolton Borough - Moses Gate Country Park. Made up of old mill lodges, native woodlands, sections of the now disused Manchester, Bolton & Bury Canal system, with the River Croal also running through the park, and converging with the River Irwell a mile or two downstream. Rock Hall at Moses Gate Country Park Crompton Lodges, named a...