Glaramara - No. 90
Most of the snow seemed to have melted away as I drove down the B5289 which runs along the bottom of the Borrowdale valley, heading towards Seatoller. There were only patches left on the higher fells, and that was where I was heading.... to bag three more Wainwright fells, including my 90th - Glaramara. I pulled into the National Trust car park at Seatoller just after 10:30am, dropped a few quid into the ticket machine and strapped my boots on before heading onto the road. Back-tracking along the road for a quarter of a mile or so, I found the footpath which lead across one of the fields to the foot for Rosthwaite Fell...this was my first ascent of the day. Following the path south east, it steadily climbed over the course of a mile or two. It was a glorious day - bright sunshine - but bitterly cold & it was forecast to be quite gusty of the tops. The path - or what there was of one - turned east and rose steeper up the grassy ridge, along the crest. Some exposed parts of the pat...